
Showing posts from July, 2022

Saleena's picks for July

  This road trip book was interesting and I did enjoy watching the family dynamics as 3 cousins (each for their own reasons) accompany each other on a road trip across country.  The intersections & tensions make sense, as family doesn't always agree and the fact that the death of their grandmother is a catalyst makes the reader understand each person's why & how they are handling their grief.  My only issue is that it's ending is a bit too neat & tidy (don't want to spoil the ending but.....yeah, it's a messy thing you see coming and it is POOF! magically all better.....and life doesn't work that way).  I recommend you trying it and let me know if you agree or not.  I love a good scary story, and this was fun.  The premise is that Alex doesn't get accepted to film school and her friends start a Go-Fund-Me to help her reapply with a better film.  An anonymous donation gives her almost a million dollars, and a retired film star offers free us...