Saleena's picks for September

Vicky has crippling social anxiety. She can't even say hi to her classmates and is sure everyone hates her. She is pushed to join the yearbook club by a guidance counselor, and finds that even if it's difficult, she can be a part of it while still being in the background. She is really good at photo editing so she focuses on that. Vicky's only friend has moved away, and when her friend accidentally dials her and Vicky hears her talking about her badly, she is devastated. She wishes she could be more like "those people", and starts an Instagram account called Vicurious where she inserts herself through photoshop into various pics. Everyone knows she isn't actually there (concerts that happened before she was born, red carpet premieres, fun parties) but she is having fun and somehow it catches on and goes viral. Now Vicky is famous, but not really....and she has no idea how to handle that or how to actually confront her issues and be with r...