Sharing some old favorites!

It's always fun to share the hot, new titles and chat about them, but it's also nice to revisit old favorites. This month, I wanted to share some of my old favs, maybe encourage you to try something that is awesome but fell off the radar of "hot reads" in recent times. The Keys to the Kingdom series is REALLY cool, and one of my favorites. It mixes action/adventure with fantasy fiction with a bit of creepy for flavor. In the first book, Mister Monday, we meet Arthur who is having a bad day. He forgot to bring a doctor's note and has to participate in a run for P.E.; however, his asthma quickly acts up & he collapses. While he is struggling for breath, a strange old man appears out of nowhere and hands him a clock hand, and magically he can breathe again. The old man seems very startled when Arthur isn't dying but is healed and disappears....and now Arthur can see strange things that he never noticed before. When a strange sleeping sick...