New titles or just some different ones to try this month

Here is a mixed bag, a few new titles and a couple nonfiction that I found interesting. Sometimes it is nice to try something different, so I borrowed this on Libby and listened to it. It is truly fascinating. Very scientific which is so not me, but the "what if" of the thing (as well as some of the weirdness of the questions) kept it interesting even if I didn't understand the answers. Life Inside My Mind brings together 31 authors of YA books to talk about mental health issues they have faced for themselves or with family members. This is an important work because so many stigmas still exist for mental illness struggles, and these authors have tackled some difficult subjects in their books and hearing that their real lives have had issues makes it feel a little less isolating for those also struggling. Fighting words is a tough story to read but really well done. It is told from the viewpoint of Della, who is 10 but who has been essentially raised by her ...