August book picks from Saleena

Nayeri weaves a story that is fiction mixed with his memories of being an immigrant, trying to fit in and trying to savor the few things he remembers from his home in Iran. He weaves tales as he tries to understand his reality and also to escape some of the more brutal truths of his life in Minnesota. This was a fascinating story as it constantly weaves back and forth with the storyteller always hiding truths, untruths and fantasies within the words. It has moments of sadness, happiness and confusion....which really is true for anyone's life....but Nayeri makes it a story and a truth all at once. I love a good horror story and She is a Haunting is a very good one. I did NOT see the ending coming nor did I appreciate all the nuances as I was was all coming so fast that some of my reactions took days to truly hit. The basic story is of an estranged family and the oldest girl agrees to visit her father in Vietnam in return for his pro...