Just in time for summer reading; Fun Adventure Tales

 I have decided to share some old & new stories full of adventure in order to encourage you (teens) to read more and perhaps join your library's teen summer reading program (I know ours is pretty awesome, you should try it).

Here we go:

This is still a favorite of mine, due to its unique combination of short story format and a magical mystery to solve.  In each story, a person is trying to figure out who killed the terrible, awful, racist, (he hates everyone really, but especially minorities, and gays, and girls, and anyone disabled....you get it).

No one liked him, but each character longs to solve the mystery and prove themselves to be "the chosen one" for their own reasons.  In between the stories are small notes/clues/extras for the reader to join the stories together but also to spill more light onto the truth.  This is an amazing book, and I really wish there were more like it.  

This is a space story (and a love story) that is truly unique; as you are dropped head-first into the adventure and are constantly being challenged to figure out (along with the characters) what is going on, why are things happening this way and what is real?  Hutchinson writes an engaging story with a love that defies all obstacles, as well as a deep dive into entertainment, reality experiments and the damage done by them.....and a bit of a commentary about those who use people as pawns.
I definitely encourage you to read this.

I wish more people were reading this series, as it is not only an amazing series with adventure and magic; but is also delving into Black history, American folk tales and more.  Tristan Strong is a flawed character, but he isn't bad and he is learning and growing as he discovers his magic and saves the world again and again.  If you love fantasy adventures like Percy Jackson, you should definitely check our Tristan Strong's stories.

Extraordinaries are this world's superheroes and one young man desperately wants to be a part of that world.  Klune creates a character who evokes strong emotions but is also full of life and hope.  Nick writes fan fiction but also struggles with ADD and PTSD, and has amazing friends who support him.  There is a love story in here, but it takes awhile to happen due to Nick's cluelessness.....and his naive misunderstanding of how people are vs how the press portrays them adds to the story.  This is a fun and emotional journey that Klune writes with humor and finesse.

This is the story of Yadriel and his attempts to prove himself a brujo.  He has some mistakes (like summoning the wrong ghost, who then won't go away) but he also has some strong reasons for needing to prove to his family that he is good enough and loved by his goddess for who he truly is and not who he is perceived to be.  This is an adventure of magic but also of self actualization and of the nature of being transgender.  An amazing story that will make you laugh and cry.

If anyone can be called an expert at storytelling and adventure, it's Mr. Gaiman.  In this award-winning novel he explores the story of Bod, raised in a cemetery by ghosts and now that he is 13, is being forced to confront his past, his trauma and also determine his future.  This is an emotional and captivating story that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Jackson's story is set in an exclusive boarding school and its magical costs to the students and staff who reside there.  Douglas is aware that his spot in this school is his last chance, but is also constantly aware of both his other-ness (for being a person of color and for being a closeted gay).  He also seems to be the only person aware of the strangeness of this place until the day his awareness puts him in the unique position to break the curse or to be yet another person who is taken down by it.  

This is a dark and thrilling story with ghosts and magic and an outcome you won't see coming.  Highly recommended!

Last but not least is Yolen's Briar Rose.  This has two main settings, the modern day and during the Holocaust.  Rebecca is aware that her grandmother's retellings of Briar Rose are different than those told in other families or the storybooks, but she never thinks too much about it; until her grandmother asks her to prove her claim to BE Briar Rose on her deathbed.  Rebecca sets out to Germany and starts to search and the things she finds are extraordinary and tragic.

This is a classic award winning story that plays with a well known fairy tale (also known as Sleeping Beauty), and mixes it with history and heritage.  Yolen's story is amazing and you will enjoy it (but you will cry, so bring tissues).

Hope you enjoy these suggestions, find more books of all kinds at SBPL.  You can also speak with me to get more options anytime I'm at the library.

Saleena Longmuir


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