Some amazing teen titles to read for Black History Month!

This biographical graphic novel tells the story of what led up to the iconic moment Tommie Smith made at the 1968 Olympics, as well as what happened after that.  This true story is heart-warming and tragic in equal doses, but if you don't learn what happened in history, it will be repeated....and in these challenging times of racism, classism and violence, this is important story and very well told.

Do you love a good twisted fairy tale?  Then don't miss Cinderella is Dead.  This takes the idea of the classic fairy tale and turns it into a fantastical dystopic horror story.  In Bayron's story, girls are now required to essentially reenact Cinderella's story, showing up to a ball in a gown and hoping to be selected for marriage by virtue of their beauty (they get no choice in attending or in their marriage options).  Sophia hates the lack of choices as well as the way everyone just follows along, too afraid to dissent.  She is determined to make her own way and when she runs away and hides in Cinderella's mausoleum, she finds others who wish to rebel.  She also begins to discover the extent of the horrors hidden away in the castle and what happens to all of the girls who aren't selected. 

 This story was exciting and engaging, bringing in classic elements and pointing out the problematic parts if they were actually reality......I love a good "girl power" story!  Bayron also touches on elements of being the outsider, LGBTQ feelings as well as the dangers of questioning authority (and the rewards).  Definitely worth a read!

Monster is an older title, but you should not judge it by it's age as the story still resonates.  Steve tells the story of his arrest for his part in a murder but tells the story in the form of a screenplay.  He describes what happened, what led to that terrible day as well as all of his fears and the death of his dream of writing for movies someday.
Walter Dean Myers is a master storyteller and this quick read is a gut punch of a story that I cannot recommend enough.

Binti is the first in a trilogy set in a future where all the best universities are off planet.  Binti dreams of traveling to university and when her family refuses to let her go, she sneaks away to go anyway.  What happens to her on the trip will change not only her life, but also affect our whole world.
Okorafor's story is beautiful and enthralling; full of action and heartbreak as well as triumph.  I highly recommend this book.

Jason Reynolds along with Jason Griffin have provided an unforgettable and beautiful illustrated poem told from the viewpoint of a young man stuck in his home during the Covid quarantine and trying to find hope amongst all the horrors and terrors happening in the world around him.

This is not a difficult read, as the poem is short but it will hit you hard emotionally as it shows pain and terror as well as love.

George M Johnson, prominent journalist and LGBTQIA+ activist,  explores his life from childhood through college in both NJ and VA.  He speaks frankly of his experiences with racism, homophobia and struggles he has had to overcome.  Both a the audiobook and the physical book pack a punch (George is also the reader of his book), and allow the reader to see life through his lens.   Another highly recommended title!

Last but not least, Justina Ireland's alternate history tale full of zombies and a world where the Civil War was interrupted by the zombie apocalypse.  Jane is a reluctantly attending Miss Preston's School of Combat (due to the Native and Negro Reeducation Act) requiring her to learn to be an Attendant.  Attendants are essentially bodyguards for prominent white society members and also fight directly against the undead.  When Jane gets mixed up in something that forces her and a fellow classmate to go West; she is sure that things can't be worse than they were in Baltimore......but she is wrong.....and if she can't uncover all the players and find a resolution....the dead may win the war.

This is a tense and exciting story full of conspiracy and many twists and turns.  If you enjoy a good scary story and a strong protagonist, you will definitely love Dread Nation.



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